October 08, 2007

Tiritea Annual Jumping Show

Friday night Mum came down with the truck (packed with yummy goodies for the horses), and we unloaded all that so we could head up to Foxton on Saturday. Luckily the weather held out. Crazy wind on the way up and the way back, but at least while riding it was fairly mild. Certainly can't complain.

Took Silvi and Spice in the 90cm which was a speed (TableC) class -and they both hooned around happily, though I mucked up an approach on Silvi. But Spice even picked up a ribbon (2nd! out of 35 horses!).
Heading to the start:

The only jump with fill:

More of Spice:

I only took Silvi in the 1m class - and the guy from Event Photography got some photos of us in that one (Silvi came 2nd as well - and there were something like 43 in the class - so very happy with that result).

First round:


The last class of the day for us was the 1.10m TYOL. The camera didn't want to play nice, so we only got 2 photos with horses in the frame! Both pics are of Spice, and please don't look too close at the 2nd one where I look about to fall off... we got in so close and Spice was such a good girl to climb us out of trouble!

And one last cute one of Silvi with her ribbon:

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