It snowed today! I've never seen actual snow falling... so it was very cool to see. I was riding Neo at the time, he wasn't quite as impressed with the snow as I was. It's been a week that the horses have been in work now. Too early to see any difference in them, but they have all progressed to trotting most of their work (fitness slowly improving) and all doing a short canter today too - without any issues, which is good!
Alfie is still very "upside down", but before I can really get the long & low work into him he needs shoes on, he's a bit of a wimp with his naked footsies. Thankfully his mudfever has cleared up, and his legs are looking good again. He's still got some rainscald up around his ears - which the clipping has helped a bit, and a few washes (provided the weather agrees) should sort out the rest.
Neo was a bit of a crazy man today. He is absolutely full of beans... but being lots of fun. I will have to start working him on the hills this coming week, as he is more than fit enough for it.
Kody had a bit of a cough this morning, so I went and bought another underrug for him so he can be toasty warm. He's coming along well. Still a little nappy about going away from the others, or encountering new things, but he's arguing about it far less now... and in fact today he was really moving forward happily and charging through the puddles like a pro.
I moved the riding horses into a fresh paddock so they can get some grass into them. For the moment I've left Pippa in the sacrafice (mud) paddock, though I'm not too happy with how she is looking. So I will up her hay, and put her back on hardfeed and just monitor how she's doing. Of course, to make things harder, last night she ripped both of her rugs in half... so I've had to dig out fresh rugs for her to ensure she stays nice and warm. Lucky I bought new rugs for all the boys recently, so she was able to steal a bunch of Neo's old rugs that he'd inherited from Silvi.
There has been quite a bit of wind lately... and it seems that the woolshed has decided it would rather like a skylight. Not sure exactly how I'm going to fix that! But have also been putting a bunch of stuff that I don't need/use on trademe... someone came along last weekend and started dismantling the 2 carports - it's already opening up the space. Can't wait to see what it looks like once all of those buildings are gone, and the new shed is put up beside the woolshed. We have had the okay from the Historic Places Trust (the woolshed is protected under some law apparently), however now an archeologist wants to check the site as it was occupied prior to 1900... so more waiting (and probably more expense!) before the building of the shed can start! Till then the horses will just have to put up with getting tacked up in the tractor shed. Poor horses.
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