Headed out this morning in the sunshine (yes, it was already starting to look sunny by 7am!) just down to Battle Hill for Pauatahanui Show. Edie had come along with the ridden horses to have another look at things - so I made sure to park right next to Ring1 where she'd have a lot of things to look at all day.
I took Coco for a ride as soon as I got there, while there were hardly any people around and just got her settled in. She was pretty good after a 3 minute ride so then I put her back at the truck and left her until it was time for practise rounds. It was also my first time having a go at jumping in my new 'at home' riding boots (dublin spirits, with airmesh chaps) - they were really comfy! I'm really happy with them.. and not too untidy for practise rounds either. Coco went around her practise round really nicely - even got into a good consistent canter after fence one and kept it up the whole way around the course.
Once she has a task to focus on Coco seems to be really great and not spooky - just needs more mileage to get her confident in busy situations I think. Stoked with her practise round though.
Took her back later to do the first class in Ring2 and it wasn't as tidy as her practise round - but was still a clear round and I think she coped with the busy entrance area, prams & screaming kids, and loose sheep etc - all of it just like a seasoned pro. I did not enter her in any further classes - I thought this was enough for her right now - just want to do a little bit each time we go out.
Princess did some practise rounds too. She wasn't nappy at all in her practise which is fantastic (as we have been working through some of those issues just lately) - but she was jumping a little inside out, which has been traced back to a few weeks ago when she put her leg in a fence and just had a bit of a struggle. Nothing too bad, just needs a bit more time & massage to get back to being softer in her frame. Straight after our practise rounds we did the first class (same class Coco was in) - it was judged on optimum time (so really pot luck!) but we came out of it with a ribbon which was neat!
Princess was also entered in the 85cm class in Ring2, where she did a stunning clear first round, then such a good jumpoff! Sadly we tapped down the first of the double, but I am really pleased with her angles and response to everything I asked of her - we never went fast - but did heaps of good corners and angles which would have given us avery competitive time.
Neo did a couple of classes in Ring1 and came home with a placing too. He was arguing with me in the first class a bit, but by the second class it was much tidier and he was jumping absolutely great!
Have entered him in 1.15m at Danneverke next weekend... let's see what happens! Hopefully I don't wimp out before then - as when he thinks about the jumps, rather than everything else on the planet, he is making easy work of the current heights we're doing.
Xev had the easiest day of anyone today! Just one class for her - really just to give her a tune up before tomorrow. Tomorrow she's got the farrier coming in the morning - then XC practise in the afternoon at Battle Hill - so really looking forward to trying their insane range of skinny fences and combinations out there.
So after her early morning round Xev spent the rest of the day eating hay and babysitting Neo at the truck in the shade. Hoepfully a nice relaxing day for her at any rate.
Swify came along today to do photos, while Nick dropped in for a little while, and Princess' owner also spent most of the day out there watching which was nice. Not sure what Mum is up to this weekend - it's Langdale sports in Masterton area, so I guess I will get an update from her shortly to put on the blog!
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