January 25, 2009

Langdale Sports

Mum had a show on Saturday too - up Masterton way somewhere. It was Alfie's first time out in the showring! He was an absolute honey! Behaved himself, and came home with ribbons! He was doing the showhacks ring and got 3rd in the maiden (which Mum was thrilled with), but then he got called in for the open - and picked up another 3rd! How great. The judge commented on how well-balanced Alfie was (how is this even the same horse that I remember? he's come so far). Pics with his ribbons, and tied to the truck after being washed down:
Lots of people commented on what a pretty boy he is (Alfie likes to hear it!). Mum said his canter is still a little green... but it really sounds like he's on the right track! He will do showhacks again at Masterton A&P and then might start a little bit of jumping (very exciting! I want him to do showhunters).

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