August 22, 2009


This morning I headed down to the arena to ride a friend's mare. Her usual rider came along too, and I got some shots of her riding. It was a bit frosty, but I really am loving this weather. Took a bit of effort to get her warmed in, but then she was working quite nicely.
Her canter work is becoming a lot more balanced too.
And I popped over a couple of fences, as she is having a jumping lesson tomorrow - so just wanted to give her a quick reminder of what it's all about.
Then Rebecca hopped on, poor Mol was a bit tired by this stage, but they did some good flatwork.
More piccies:
And then popped over a few crossbar fences to call it a day.
Then I came home to ride my mob, and found Xev sitting on the large square baleage.. I guess it's warm? Silly horse. She moved before I could snap a photo, sadly.

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